My current role at unCrazed - Editor in Chief.
When starting at unCrazed they asked me to design a new magazine to go with their already well established Celebrity News website. It began with me on my own coming up with a layout for the publication, the company then began to expand and I got my own team of writers and content creators. The company then expanded further with the launch of the unCrazed app where the magazine and all the top stories would be available.
A few spreads from Issue 1 of unCrazed Magazine

A few spreads from Issue 2 of unCrazed Magazine

As well as being Editor I also manage my teams holiday requests and make sure that all their tasks are on track ready for me to place their articles within the magazine. I have also covered other roles within the business including creating icons for the unCrazed App, helping with social media and helping interview applicants for other roles.